The Archbishop of San Salvador, Mons. Jose Luis Escobar Alas, ordained Carmelites Luis Jesus Paz and Benjamin Salas to the priesthood in a ceremony in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Savior on Saturday, July 7, 2018.
Both men’s parents as well as a sister of Benjamin, Sr. Maritza (a religious sister), participated. Many members of the parishes and institutions where the Carmelites have ministered and studied were also in attendance. Jesuits from the Universidad de Central America (UCA) concelebrated. Carmelites from around the province also participated.
A joint First Mass was held at the parish of Nuestra Señora de Lourdes on Sunday morning. An overflow crowd participated.
Below are some pictures from the ordination, a fiesta held that evening, and the First Mass.
William J. Harry, O. Carm.
Prior Provincial