Blessing of the Carmelite Finca of San Elias A pre-novice looks out over the panoramic view at the back of chapel at the Carmelite finca of San Elias. (Photo by William J. Harry, O. Carm.) The view from the chapel at the Carmelite finca of San Elias in Huizucar, El Salvador. (Photo by William J. Harry, O. Carm.) Mass of Dedication of the Chapel of San Elias and Conference Room at the Carmelite Finca. The Prior Provincial is joined by Paul Henson, O. Carm., and Deacon Bernd Finke, the German Ambassador to El Salvador. Applause following the cutting of the ribbon to dedicate the new chapel. Deacon Bernd Finke distributes communion during the Mass. The Prior Provincial, V. Rev. William J. Harry, O. Carm., speaks with the Vice Minister of Foreign Relations for El Salvador, Honorable Jaime Miranda.