Saturday Hospitality
To build a future in El Salvador, the Carmelites are deeply involved in the formation of young men who feel called to religious life. The Centro Xiberta Formation House is the community of the young men who are considering a journey in Carmel. Besides studying at the Universidad Central America, they learn the fundamentals of living together in community. One key part of this Carmelite life is to “live among the people”—not to become isolated but to understand the lives of the people who are our neighbors.
The Centro Xiberta community is located in the Canton La Cabaña, countryside area of Ciudad Delgado. It is an extremely violent area in the most violent country in the Americas. It is important that we also build relations with our neighbors so that we can live in peace with each other.
Every Saturday morning the neighbors of the Centro Xiberta Formation House join the community for morning Mass. Following Mass, the neighbors are invited to a simple breakfast of a sandwich and something to drink—coffee or hot chocolate. The chapel is filled to overflowing.